
James Cole

I was introduced to photography through my work as a graphic designer at advertising agencies in Texas, where my routine tasks often included photo retouching and compositing. I basically learned how to edit photos before I knew how to take them myself. 

After photo assisting and art directing at several shoots throughout my career, I became fascinated with the technical side of digital photography and wanted to learn more. I was fortunate to learn the basics of studio photography on the job by shooting and retouching some product shots at an in-house marketing department.

Though I enjoy the lighting and compositional control studio photography affords, my favorite things to shoot are outside the studio in the real world. In my future adventures I hope to hone my abilities in the genre of travel lifestyle photography, especially outdoor adventures.

If you're looking for my full design portfolio, head on over to jamescole.info or see recent work on my Dribble profile

If you’d like to get in touch, just fill out my contact form.

Thank you for checking out my photos!
